How long does it take for collections to be visible once set to public?


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    Karl Blumenthal

    Hi, Molly!

    I can see one public Chatham University collection and its content visible on the Archive-It partner site now, here: Is that the collection that you had in mind? Let me know if not and I'll take a closer took, of course.

    In general, these changes to the public or private status of collections and seeds are updated on the public-facing partner site as all other changes like new seeds, metadata, etc., are indexed and updated there, so the process usually takes several minutes to complete. As a rule of thumb, I'd just say give your changes an hour at the absolute most to appear, just in case we're handling a large volume of changes around the site.

    Thanks for bringing it up! I've updated our Help Center documentation to reflect this. For the complete guidance on controlling public or private access to archived content, see: Controlling access to your web archives.


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