Archive-It Shortcuts
FeaturedDid you know that there are a few shortcuts built into your Archive-It account?! These shortcuts are designed to help you move through your account as effortlessly as possible.
Editing rules via the Host Report
It’s possible to make collection-level scoping changes directly from crawl reports. While on the host tab, click the box to select a host, then click “Edit Rules” and use the drop down menu to select a specific rule. The next time you run a crawl in this collection, these rules will apply.
Adding rules while looking at a crawl report is helpful because you can make changes directly to the collection, and skip moving back and forth between a crawl report and the collection scoping page.
Comparing crawls
You can compare two crawls without having to navigate between them! You can do this either via the Crawls tab in the top black navigation bar, or from the crawls tab within a collection. In either place, simply check the boxes next to any two crawls, and then click “Compare Crawls.” This will bring up a side-by-side comparison where you can see how much content and scoping differed. If you want to dig into one of the crawl reports more deeply, you can access each of the crawl reports individually by clicking the hyperlinked crawl report number at the top of each column,. Read more about comparing crawls here:
Help Center widget
Have you ever noticed the little blue box in the lower right corner of the Archive-It web application? This is our Help Center widget, and allows you to search for answers to your questions and even file a support ticket, right from inside your Archive-It account. It’s a helpful way to troubleshoot without even leaving the page.
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