"Describing Web Archives" presentations and discussion
Hi, all! If you missed our recent Archive-It Advanced Training webinar, Describing Web Archives, want to revisit anything that you learned there, or share the recording, it is now available here in the Archive-It Help Center. Guest presenters have generously also shared their slide decks for your future reference:
- OCLC Research Library Partnership: Web Archiving Metadata Working Group - Kate Bowers, Collections Services Archivist for Metadata, Systems, and Standards, Harvard University Archives. Introduces the mandate, products, and key recommendations of the OCLC WAM, a national group of librarians and archivists who studied descriptive needs and practices.
- Describing Websites in Finding Aids - Jessica Venlet, Assistant University Archivist for Digital Records & Records Management, University of North Carolina Libraries. A survey of examples of web archives described at collection, seed, and series levels in university archives finding aids.
- Describing Web Archives: New York Art Resources Consortium (NYARC) Case Study - Debbie Kempe, Chief, Collections Management & Access, the Frick Art Reference Library of the Frick Collection. An introduction to NYARC's web archiving scope and its needs for descriptive bibliographic records of live and archived websites.
- Describing Archived Websites: The NYARC Profile - Rebecca Guenther, Metadata consultant. A closer look at the metadata profile created for NYARC, its elements, and applications to records in NYARC's OPAC.
To keep the discussion about descriptive metadata practices for web archives going, please feel free to use the thread below for your questions, observations, recommendations, and more examples from the field.
Jessica followed up with a nice blog-sized summary of her talk that you can ready any time here: Behind the Scenes: Describing Archived Websites.
And for those curious about the OCLC copyright webinar that was mentioned in the discussion of rights information and statements, the recording will be made available here: "But what about copyright?"
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