Bi Monthly crawls



  • Official comment
    Bridget Collings (Edited )

    Hi Kelly, 

    I took a look at your crawl reports and it looks like you might have figured this out already! 

    If you are interested in reading more about how to schedule crawls, please check out our Schedule Crawls article. 

    The main thing to keep in mind when scheduling a crawl is that there are two steps involved: 

    1. You have to select the frequency for each seed on the Seeds page.
    2. You have to click 'Schedule crawl' on the Scheduled Crawls page. 

    It might also be worth mentioning here that Archive-It defines Bi-Monthly = once every two months.  

    If this doesn’t help answer your question, or you notice any other specific issues, please feel free to submit a ticket


    Bridget Collings
    Web Archivist, Archive-it

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    Kelly Thompson

    Thanks! I didn't have that last step of scheduling; I had only set frequency. I appreciate your assistance. 

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