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Hello, I'm unsure if I'm seeing this message due to my scope rules or something else. I received the error both yesterday and today. The embedded youtube video here: does not play. Can embedded youtube videos from a wordpress site be captured and played back?
I am receiving the same error/message with a significant portion of this crawl: 1093152.
It is a Brozzler Test Crawl of the seed
eg: click on "Browse" in the horizontal navigation bar; and then click on "Interviews" in the right hand column.
The "Charles A. Csuri: Beyond Boundaries Exhibition Catalogue Download PDF Here" link at the top of the right hand column
Hi folks! Apologies for the delay. We're still working on a systematic fix for this issue going backwards, but in the meantime I can advise on how to get fresh new captures of your missing pages into your collections regardless. At issue here is a rare bug that is keeping some deleted test captures in our Wayback index even though they are clearly not there anymore for you to view. Here's how to get around that in the meantime:
Selena, in your case the YouTube "watch page" with the desired video was crawled by the deleted job number 1034710, but not the current job number 1091601. To fix this right away, I would recommend plugging the gap by just running a new Brozzler crawl of this one-page seed:
Dan, in your case your PDF file for instance was crawled in the deleted job number 1089342, then left in the queue for the later job number 1093152. I recommend running a new crawl just like that last one; with the enhancements that we've made in the interim, Brozzler should be a bit faster and capable of picking up everything that was left in the prior queue. Get in touch if you see otherwise though.
It's a weird one! Please don't hesitate to ask if I can help further.
Hi again all. Just wanted to close the loop on this issue since we deployed our last fixes to both issues with replaying test crawls in Wayback mode. You should no longer see any mixed messages about archived documents in the form of "Not in archive" or "Resource not available" errors, so please do let me know here or directly if you still see examples to the contrary. Thanks for bearing with us on this one.
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