You can manage a seed's settings, metadata, scope, and more from the collection's "Seeds" tab:
On this page:
- How to make changes to an individual seed
- How to make changes to seeds in bulk
- Active vs. Inactive seeds
- How to edit a seed's URL
How to make changes to an individual seed
Click on the URL for any individual seed in the "Seed URL" column to see its management page.
- Settings: Make changes to the following:
- Metadata: Add metadata to this seed using the Dublin Core element set and/or custom fields.
- Groups: Edit the seed's group memberships.
- Sharing: Share the seed with another collection in your account.
- Crawling History: View a list of reports from crawls that included this seed.
- Notes: Record internal notes pertaining to this seed. (Use the search box at the top of the Seeds tab to filter seeds by these notes as well as other settings).
- Seed Scope: Tell the crawler what to collect and what not to collect by adding scope rules specific to the seed.
How to make changes to seeds in bulk
You can manage the settings and functions of several seeds at once by clicking the check boxes next to each:
Select one or more seeds and use the buttons at the top of the list to:
Run Crawl: Start a test or one-time crawl of your selected seeds.
Edit Settings: Change the following seed settings:
active/inactive status
Add Metadata: Add descriptive metadata.
Edit Groups: Make changes to the Groups your seeds are a part of.
Delete seeds: Remove the seed record(s) from your account. This action is not reversible. Deleting a seed does not delete any archived versions of that URL in Wayback
Add Rules: Add scope rules to selected seeds.
Active vs. Inactive seeds
Active seeds can be crawled, Inactive seeds can't.
Seeds are Active when added to your collection. This means you can include them in recurring crawls, or select them for a One-Time or Test crawl.
If you no longer want a seed to be crawled, you can change its setting to Inactive. That seed will stay in the collection and remain accessible, but won't be included in recurring crawls. Inactive seeds are also not available for One-Time or Test crawls.
How to edit a seed's URL
You can edit the URL by clicking on the pencil icon. When you're done, click the check mark that appears below the URL to save.
Remember, changing your seed URL can change what is crawled via that seed. It can also change what Wayback page a seed points to.
The following edits to a seed URL will not change the Wayback Calendar page it points to:
Editing the URL protocol from http/https
Removing or adding the subdomain www
Removing or adding the ending slash (/) from a URL string
Adding a subdomain, subdirectory, or otherwise changing the URL will change the Wayback calendar page that the seed points to.
If a site's URL changes, we recommend deactivating that seed and adding a new seed so that you keep the access point to the old version.
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