You may share the contents of your collected seeds for access and replay among different Archive-It collections. Use this feature when you wish to see a seed and its captured contents appear within a new collection instead of or in addition to the collection in which it was added originally.
Follow the directions below to share your seeds individually or in bulk.
Table of contents:
- Add seeds to new collections individually
- Add seed groups to new collections
- How to access and replay shared seeds
- Limitations
- Planned development
Add seeds to new collections individually
You can share a seed collected in one Archive-It "source" collection with another "target" collection.
To share any seed from its source collection, click on it in the Seeds list and navigate to its "Sharing" tab. Click the "Share to Collections" button to select from a list of available target collection/s to which you wish to share the seed:
To share from the view of the target collection instead, navigate to the its Seeds list and click on the "Add Seeds" button:
Navigate to the "Add Shared Seeds" tab, use the search bar to filter and find the seed(s) that you wish to share, use the checkbox(es) to select your desired seed(s), and add them to your target collection by clicking the "Add Seeds" button:
Add seed groups to new collections
Seeds may be shared between collections in bulk through groups. To share a group of seeds to another target collection or several, click on the group in its source collection's Seeds list:
Then click the "Add Collections" button to select as many target collections for this group as you desire from a list of collections in your account:
Or, from your view of the target collection, navigate to the Seeds list and click the "Manage Seed Groups" button:
Under "Group Name," use the search bar to locate the desired seed group from another collection and click on the suggested group to "link" it:
How to access and replay shared seeds
Given ≤15 minutes to re-index contents for replay, each seed enables Wayback access via the "Wayback" link at the right side of the active Seeds list:
Publicly shared seeds will then also appear on your access point, depending upon each seed's and its collection's access settings. The table below describes what to expect based on these settings:
Seed |
Source collection |
Target collection |
Publicly visible? |
Public |
Public |
Public |
✅ Yes |
Public |
Public |
Private |
❌ No |
Private |
Public |
Public |
❌ No |
Private |
Public |
Private |
❌ No |
Public |
Private |
Public |
✅ Yes* |
Public |
Private |
Private |
❌ No |
Private |
Private |
Public |
❌ No |
Private |
Private |
Private |
❌ No |
*Only captures for seeds crawled after September 9th, 2018 (when crawls started writing WARCs per seed) are publicly visible.
Seed management
This feature does not support crawling, editing, or otherwise configuring seeds from within their target collections. You may however continue to perform all maintenance from seeds' source collections, accessible via the link in each seed's disclaimer message, and expect to see changes reflected ultimately in both public access points:
Planned development
Enhancements planned for this feature include:
- Share seeds directly from each collection's Seeds list.
- Configure and describe shared seeds separately between source and target collections.
- Find shared seed contents among their target collections’ full-text search results.
- Query new collection parameters to retrieve shared seed WARCs via WASAPI.
- Share seeds across Archive-It accounts.
Follow updates on all engineering developments here on Archive-It's engineering roadmap: Ongoing and future Archive-It development.
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