Archiving Wix sites




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    Alex Thurman

    Most wix seeds seem not to have or in their URL, so the scoping rules are not added by default and have to be added manually, which is very time consuming, especially given the recommendation to add one page seeds. Given this, I have 2 questions:

    1) Can the criterion for automated recognition of wix-based sites for application of default wix scoping be expanded so that any site with Wix hosts ( etc) in its source code can include files from those hosts by default

    2) If not, would it be advisable for curators to apply the recommended wix scope expansions at the collection level rather than the seed/page level? I already ignore robots on Wix hosts at the collection level.

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    Ben Goldman

    This post is the first time I've heard of the strategy of using a "private one page seed". Can you explain this concept further and why it works for improving Wix captures? Is this a strategy that can be used in other situations?

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