On this page:
- Edit collection name
- Add or edit collection metadata
- Add collection topics
- Upload a collection image
Note: It may take 15-20 minutes for your changes to be reflected on the public site. If your changes are not reflected on the public site after 24 hours, contact us.
Edit collection name
Collection names can be edited from any section in a given collection by clicking on the pencil icon to the right of the collection name.
Add or edit collection metadata
Metadata for each collection can be managed from the collection's "Metadata" tab. The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set will appear by default when you click the "Edit" button in the Metadata tab of a collection. Custom metadata elements can also be added to make it possible for your web archives to align with local metadata practice. All metadata fields are repeatable.
Add collection topics
You can select up to 3 of the 14 supplied Collection Topics listed in drop-down menus from a collection's "Metadata" tab. These values appear as Subject facets to users browsing public collections on https://archive-it.org.
Upload a collection image
You have the option to upload an image to represent your collection on the public site. This image will also appear in the top left-hand corner of the Wayback calendar page of seeds in the collection.
To upload an image, navigate to the collection's "Metadata" tab and click on the box that reads "Upload Image". Select a file from your computer; there is a limit of 2.5MB and a maximum resolution of 1000 x 1000 pixels for uploaded images.
If you want to change an existing image, click on it to replace it with an alternate uploaded image.
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